5 Betting Tips You Can Use in College Football
By TOI Staff
June 22, 2023
Update on : July 20, 2023
It’s only a few months until the next college football season starts. This August, countless schools will compete with each other to be the champs in the next season of college football. And, of course, not only will fans be celebrating, but bettors as well since another college football season comes with countless betting opportunities and, of course, huge payouts.
That said, if you want to get into college football betting, this is your chance to try out your skills and luck in betting. If you’re a newbie, however, then don’t panic. In this article, we will discuss some tips you might want to know to get started in college football betting. And without further ado, let’s start.
Know that College Football is not the NFL
If you’re an NFL fan and an avid bettor on the league, you might wonder what difference it has from college football. To be honest with you, there are quite a few differences. To be fair, the athletes in college football aren’t exactly professionals who play football for a living. They’re still students who want to play football professionally someday.
The spread is one of the biggest differences between college football and the NFL. Seeing spreads that are over 10 points is already massive in the NFL, not to mention quite rare. However, in college football, seeing spreads over 40 or 50 points is quite normal, so no, it’s not a typo you’re seeing.
Most of the time, bettors will stay away from these games, but it’s not really that different with games with only a few point difference. You can take advantage of this for your bets.
Home Field Advantage is Often Overvalued
As we all know, playing at home benefits a team since they don’t have to travel far or play in a hostile environment. This is prevalent in the NFL. However, it’s quite different in college football. Home teams still win over 50% of their games, but covering their spreads is another story.
There are a plethora of reasons why home teams don’t cover their spread, like being too overconfident, showing off to peers, etc. That said, when betting, you might want to check the history of the team first before betting on them while they are the home team.
Capitalize on Short Road Underdogs
Perhaps this is the most profitable thing you’ll ever hear today, unless you’re a veteran in college football, of course. Short-road underdogs mean they have only a few points to cover their spread. Public bettors love home favorites, and what they love even more is when a home favorite only has to cover the spread with a single touchdown.
However, that is a double-sided blade since it will be easier for the short-road underdogs to cover their spread or even win the game outright. That said, if you see an underdog with only a few points to cover, you already have a good bet on your hands, so take the opportunity.
Go Specialize
It’s not a secret that college football has a lot of games. In a single division in college football, there are more than ten teams or, more specifically, 10 to 14 teams. That said, you might be wondering, “There are a lot of teams in college football; where should I start?” One way to keep your mind level is to pick a specialization or, more specifically, a conference you want to specialize in.
Usually, bookies tend to publish a line on different matchups and be done with it. That said, it’s easier to find value during the start of the season, which bookies don’t look into. Compare this to high-profile games where sharps usually dominate lines, making it harder to see the value.
If you’re lucky enough to master a conference, you can move on to another one and try value bets there. But if you don’t have a specialization yet, don’t allow yourself to spread yourself thinner by betting on different conferences simultaneously.
Go Shopping
No, we don’t mean clothes. Even if it’s just college football, it’s still a huge moneymaker for bookies, so they all delve into college football. Because of this, you can shop for better college football betting odds if you already have a team and type of bet in mind. With online bookies being very accessible, it’s now easier to shop for better online odds. Just make sure you don’t overdo it,
Final Words
College football has a lot of betting opportunities and payouts if you know what you’re doing. And thankfully, you have our tips to help you with that. That said, if you’re willing to try out your luck in college football, you might want to start following our tips to give yourself a better chance at winning your bets in college football; with that being said, good luck.
Read more: 5 Betting Tips You Can Use in College Football