Essential Steps to Take When You’ve Been in a Car Accident
By TOI Staff
January 28, 2023
Update on : January 28, 2023
If you’ve been in a car accident, the stakes are high. In the U.S., it’s estimated that there are over 6 million passenger car accidents every year. But some steps need to be taken after the accident—and they’re not always obvious! So if you’ve been in an accident and need some help getting through this process, here’s everything we recommend:
Move your car off the road if possible
If you think your car is drivable and safe, move it off the road. If not, put on your hazard lights and stay in your vehicle until help arrives.
If there’s an accident in a parking lot or other area where no one is around to help you, stay inside your car with all doors locked until emergency personnel arrive at the scene of the accident and arrange for someone to come pick up those who are injured (but don’t leave).
Call 911 and get an ambulance
Call 911 and get an ambulance. If you can, stay with the injured person while being transported to the hospital.
Wait to move the person involved in an accident until help arrives. Let medical professionals determine what needs to be done first and then make decisions based on their assessment of your circumstances.
Hire a lawyer with experience in car accident cases
In most cases, hiring an attorney is the best option. Insurance companies are always looking for ways to lower their liability and avoid paying out claims. Hiring a lawyer gives you more power in these situations because they can negotiate with the other parties involved.
The first step of hiring a lawyer is finding one specializing in car accident cases. You should look for an experienced firm that has represented clients like yours and knows how to deal with insurance companies on your behalf!
You can look for lawyers online. For e.g. a car accident lawyer in Sarasota, FL can help you understand your rights and options after an accident.
The best thing about this process is that there are many options, so don’t hesitate to search through reviews or referrals from friends or family members who have had similar experiences.
Talk to the police and get a copy of their report
Once you’ve been involved in a car accident, you must speak with the police and get a copy of their report. This will help you claim compensation if you’re injured or want to sue for damages caused by an accident.
The police report will contain information about how the crash happened (the speed of your car and theirs), what happened when they arrived at the scene (whether anyone was injured), any evidence that may have been found at either location (such as broken glass), etc.
It may also include photos and diagrams showing where each vehicle was located during their investigation into this incident. The police report can also be used as evidence against both parties involved in any civil lawsuit brought against them after an accident has occurred.
Talk to witnesses
Even if you don’t know them, talking to the people in your car when the accident happened is essential. They may have seen something that can help you in court or identify who was at fault for the accident and how much responsibility they should have for paying damages.
Identify and contact witnesses, then gather their contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses (if available). You’ll need this information later, so ensure you get it down before leaving or get back into your vehicle after talking with them!
Get medical help, and tell your doctor everything that hurts
When you’re in a car accident, it’s essential to get medical help. The doctor will likely ask about any pain or discomfort you are experiencing and make sure you tell them everything that hurts. Make sure you also tell the doctor about any previous injuries (or surgeries) and whether other people were involved in the accident.
Bring along a list of medications that might be affecting your health after an accident; this includes prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. If possible, bring along other medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease—even if they are minor ones!
You’ve been in a car accident and could be a long road to recovery. The good news is that most injuries aren’t too serious, but if you have any lingering concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. We hope this guide has helped you understand what to do when you get into an accident and also how insurance companies work.