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Top 5 Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is the result of climate change, alluding to the drawn out ascent of the planet’s temperatures. This is the drawn out measure reasons for human movement. It is brought about by expanded convergences of ozone d ...

How Solar Roof Ventilation Installation Saves on Household Expenses

With no sign of living costs dropping, Australian homeowners are looking for ways to reduce household expenses without compromising their lifestyle. Cutting down on the grocery bill is one way to do this, but how about home repair ...

2023 was second hottest year on record for UK

UK experienced its second-warmest year on record in 2023, with both Wales and Northern Ireland having their respective hottest years in a series from 1884, according to provisional data from the Met Office, reports Reuters Accordi ...

Ten Most Deforestation-Affected Countries in The World

In the past two decades, the world has lost over 1.3 million square kilometers of forests, according to the World Bank. That’s an area larger than the size of England! Deforestation doesn’t just mean the loss of trees; rather, ...

Public health and climate change: 7 tips to prepare communities

The growing climate crisis brings about many challenges. This year alone, the U.S. has faced 23 severe weather incidents, each costing $1 billion or more, surpassing last year’s record of 22 such events. One sector that clim ...

Greenly’s Carbon Management platform for controling load shedding

Greenly incorporates evaluation and reporting gadgets for all of the three degrees of the GHG Show to help associations in various organizations track and plan petroleum product result frameworks. Scope 1 includes association leve ...

Climate Change Awareness: Are You Doing Enough?

We all know about climate change; we have heard about global warming and its potential effects from various documentaries on TV or online. However, most of us still don’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation. It a ...

Protect The Environment And Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Gases that trap heat in the air are called greenhouse gases. This section gives data on emissions and emissions of tremendous greenhouse gases to and from the environment. For extra data on other environment forcings, like dull ca ...

SQM Club: Everything You Need to Know, Facts and Benefits

We humans have always had a profound impact on the planet and its climate. We have been exploiting our world’s resources throughout history without caring about the consequences.  We have destroyed forests and ecosystem ...

Why Recycling is Important?

Recycling is such a process by which the environment can be less pollutant or pollution-free. A little awareness can save the planet and make it more livable. If we reuse the materials, which were supposed to be thrown after a sin ...