What is an Asian Massage? Benefits of Asian Massage
Asian Massage What to Expect
By TOI Staff
October 13, 2022
Update on : November 2, 2022
You have probably gotten a massage at one time. It is one of the best forms of physical therapy out there.
The kneading and pressure application on the body does wonders for many people, especially people with stiff muscles or under lots of stress. So we can agree that massage is great. However, what is this phenomenon called Asian massage, and why the distinction?
Asian massage is a type of body therapy based on the principles of traditional Asian medicine. It is also called eastern massage. Asian massage is a broad term used to classify many body therapy techniques and medicine that have their roots throughout the Asian continent.
But what makes the Asian massage unique? They all focus on balancing the body’s energy and flow. This article will review the types, benefits, and what to expect from Asian massage, so keep reading.
Types of Asian Massage
Asia is a continent known for its diverse geographical location and culture. It stands to reason that their medicine would be no different.
The different massage styles are from diverse Asian cultures and countries.
Indian Massage
The Indian massage is a hugely popular head massage similar to the jet lag massage.
Also known as Champissage, a massage is a form of head treatment focusing on using circular strokes to massage acupressure points along the head and shoulder.
The Indian massage aims to relieve pressure on the joints and muscles of the head and shoulder.
Thai Massage
This type of massage is predominantly practiced in Thai land, although it has its roots in India, dating back over 2,500 years.
It combines compression and passive stretching to increase the range of motion in your joints and muscles. The Thai Masseuse typically uses the Legs and feet during the massage.
The Thai massage focuses on the back, gluteal muscles, arms, heads, and shoulders.
Chinese Massage
Traditional Chinese massage has spanned thousands of years and may well be the oldest form of body therapy. Its central theme is the flow of chi (body energy).
Chinese medicine believes that the body comprises Qi (chi or energy) that flows through the body to maintain all body parts.
When Qi is inhibited or blocked from reaching certain parts of the body, this could cause illness or pain around those body parts.
Chinese massage, also called Tui Na, involves a combination of push, pull, and kneading of the body to release the flow of Qi. The massage is also rooted in the principles of acupuncture.
Shiatsu Massage
Originating from Japan, the Shiatsu massage offers a more gentle approach to physical therapy.
The massage combines kneading, pressing, stretching, and tapping techniques to relieve tension or energize the body.
Shiatsu also uses the principle of energy flow known as Ki or Qi (chee).
Ayurvedic Massage
Based on the abhyanga practice, the Ayurvedic massage is an oil massage that focuses on the skin rather than the muscles.
Its principal belief is that health and wellness are based on the delicate balance between the body, mind, and spirit.
The massage seeks to keep the body healthy rather than offer a remedy.
Balinese Massage
They are also known as Indonesian massage. It is similar to the Ayurvedic massage’s focus on the harmony between the body and mind.
Balinese massage is ideal for those seeking to keep healthy. It combines gentle strokes as well as rigorous stimulation of pressure points.
Chi Nei Tsang
With its origin in China, Chi Nei Tsang is a healing touch therapy focusing on the abdomen.
It involves some training of the abdomen so it can function efficiently. Other types of Asian Massage include:
- Amma massage
- Acupressure
- Jin Shin do
- Jin Shou Tuina
- Cupping therapy
- Oriental massage
- Foot massage
Benefits of Asian Massage
Although the Asian massage is vast, they have the same goal and objectives: to optimize health flowing with energy.
Similarly, they share the same benefits.
Eases stress and tension
Stress and tension can impact us negatively, sometimes going as far as immobilizing the body and stiffening muscles, resulting in all illnesses.
Asian massage eases stress and tension in the body, relaxing the muscles and facilitating better energy flow.
Improves your focus ability
Symptoms of attention disorders are linked to tension and poor flow of energy in our body.
People who regularly seek Asian massage as traditional medicine have reported improving their ability to focus and increasing their productivity.
Helps with anxiety and depression
Anxiety and depression are directly related to our body’s low serotonin and dopamine levels. These neurochemicals are essential for the regulation of our mood.
Asian massage helps our body increase these neurochemicals, which can combat anxiety and depression.
People have reportedly felt happier and calmer after a good massage.
Relieves Pain
Modern medicine does a great job of relieving pains in the body, but Asian massage has had better results.
Asian massage regulates pressure points in the boy, relieving the body’s pain gradually but effectively.
Improves brain activity
Your blood circulation directly affects your brain activity. With Asian massage, your body is relaxed, improving blood flow and brain activity.
What to expect in Asian Massage
You will have a culture shock for your first Asian massage experience, but it is well worth it. Here are a few things to expect.
Culture shock: You will be experiencing the Asian culture at its finest. Don’t be surprised if you are shocked by cultural experiences you may be unaware of before this experience.
Their herbs, medicine, procedures, styles, and serenity may initially shock you, but there is nothing to be worried about; it’s just the culture.
Language barrier: Because people from that region predominately practice massage, you may experience language barriers.
This shouldn’t bother you; they are well-trained professionals, and as long as you can tell the third party or translator what you need, you will be ok.
Different techniques: If you have gotten a massage in the past, you may be in for a shocker. Asian massages entail skills and techniques you have never seen but don’t be alarmed.
For a first-timer, keep an open mind. The results are great, but the process might be terrifying or confusing for a first-timer.
Customer service: You can expect to gain quality customer service. Don’t be aggressive though.
You may be offered other services, but you don’t need those. You can simply enjoy a quality massage service.
What you should not do after a massage
Taking a bath
While you may be tempted to take a bath immediately after a massage, you should avoid it for a while.
Taking a bath washed off the oil residue from the massage. The therapeutic oil still works on your body for a while after you are done with the massage.
Not drinking enough water
Your body has just been exhausted, so you must drink as much water as possible to keep hydrated.
Shower with hot water
When it is finally time to bathe, the temptation to soak in a hot bathtub or shower may be overwhelming, which is understandable. You shouldn’t though.
Hot water will aggravate any swellings or muscle injury you may have sustained in the cause of the massage.
Drink Alcohol
Remember, your body is hydrated after a massage. Taking Alcohol will only aggravate the hydration. It would be best if you held off on taking Alcohol until you have enough water in your system.
Doing strenuous activities or exercise
After a massage session, your body is in a relaxed state. Putting too much strain on it before it gets back to fully functioning can greatly harm your body.
After a massage, you can take some rest, nap, or do light activities like watching a movie.
How often should you get an Asian massage?
Asian massage comes in two major categories concerning health benefits. They can be remedial or preventive. For Asian massages that fall under the preventive category, you must stick to them once a month or two at the most.
For Asian massages under the remedial category, you can get away with just doing it once or till you are fully recovered.
There may be certain factors that hinder your sessions though: for example, finance or time.
Bottom Line
Asian massages are great and highly medicinal for your body. The culture is deeply rooted in traditional medicine, which has been met with mixed criticism from the medical public.
One thing is certain though; testimonials have been great. If you try it out, follow the guidelines mentioned in this article.