200+ Best PUBG Names for Boys & Girls (Funny, Cool, Unique & Hilarious)

Time Of Info By Bhupati Barman   March 7, 2025   Update on : March 7, 2025

We all love the popular online game PUBG. PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) is one of the most popular battle royale games globally, and it’s more than just about shooting enemies—it’s about having fun and expressing your personality through your name. Whether you’re a boy or a girl, choosing the right name for your PUBG character can make you stand out on the battlefield. It is one of the highest-rated and most played games on Android and iOS.

In this post, we’ve put together 200+ amazing PUBG names for boys and girls, from funny names, cool names, and unique names, to hilarious Hindi names. Now choose the right name that suits your style!

Comparison of 50 PUBG Names for Boys and Girls

Best PUBG Names for Boys and Girls

Here’s a comparison table with PUBG names for both boys and girls along with their corresponding emojis:

PUBG Names for BoysPUBG Names for Girls
ShadowHunter 💀DarkPrincess 👑
DeathReaper ☠️AngelEyes 👼
GhostRider 👻QueenBee 🐝
NightWolf 🌙Lilith 👸
ThunderStrike ⚡StarGazer 🌟
IronFist ✊SnowQueen ❄️
SavageBeast 🐺FireLilies 🔥🌸
RedDragon 🐉WickedAngel 😇
Venomous 🐍LunarGoddess 🌙
ViperX 🐍MysticDiva 💫
DarkKnight 🦇LadyDeath ⚰️
PhantomSlayer 💀PinkStorm 🌸⚡
SilentKiller 🤫RoseKnight 🌹⚔️
StormChaser 🌩️CrystalHeart 💎
Firestorm 🔥CherryBlossom 🌸
BeastMode 🦁IceEmpress ❄️👑
BulletProof 🛡️BlackWidow 🕷️
KillerKing 👑MoonlightDancer 🌙💃
Deadshot 🎯PrincessFury 👑💥
DragonFury 🐉SilverAngel 🕊️
ColdBlooded 🥶GoldenQueen 👑💛
DeathBlow 💥DarkGoddess 🖤
LightningBolt ⚡RebelPrincess 👑⚡
WarMachine 🔨LadyVengeance 💀
IronWolf 🐺PoisonIvy 🍃
TitanStrike ⚔️SilentQueen 👑🤫
VenomStrike 🐍EternalBeauty ✨
ThunderClap ⚡StarryKnight 🌟⚔️
SavageKing 👑VelvetDream 🌙
SilentStorm 🌪️GhostPrincess 👻👑
GrimReaper ⚰️StormyHeart 🌪️❤️
BlazeHunter 🔥SnowyAngel ❄️👼
ThunderWolf ⚡🐺SolarFlare 🌞🔥
AceOfSpades ♠️DreamQueen 👑✨
IronShinobi 🥋IceQueen ❄️👑
AlphaWolf 🐺ElectricDiva ⚡💅
ShadowFury 💥MoonlitRose 🌙🌹
WolfPack 🐺MidnightAngel 🌑👼
RazorEdge ⚔️ThunderGirl ⚡👧
BulletStorm 💥SuperNova 🌠
DarkPhantom 👻FireEmpress 🔥👑
RedReaper 🔴☠️ShiningStar 🌟
DeathBringer ☠️VengefulRose 🌹⚔️
VengefulSoul 👹SweetAssassin 🍬🎯
ThunderBeast ⚡🐅WildHeart 💖
StealthAssassin 🎯StormLady 🌪️👸
GhostHunter 👻CyberPrincess 🤖👑
WarCry 💥CrystalPrincess 💎👸
FireKnight 🔥DiamondQueen 💎👑
AtomicWarrior 💣RebelAngel 😇🔥

Best PUBG Names for Boys (Funny, Cool, Unique & Strong)

Best PUBG Names for Boys
Best PUBG Names for Boys

Everyone likes the funny names for the boys. Here’s the best list of cool, funny, and strong PUBG names for boys that will make you look like a true warrior. Whether you prefer to be stealthy or want to showcase your power, these names will fit your style!

  1. BulletKing
  2. HeadshotHero
  3. NoobSlayer
  4. SilentKiller
  5. WarMachine
  6. BeastModeActivated
  7. ViperStrike
  8. SniperAce
  9. SavageHunter
  10. RampageRuler
  11. DarkPhoenix
  12. IronManiac
  13. AceOfSpades
  14. GunSlingerX
  15. RampagingLion
  16. ThunderStorm
  17. PhantomSlayer
  18. EternalBeast
  19. FearlessWarrior
  20. OutlawKing
  21. AlphaHunter
  22. MrDarkness
  23. OmegaSlayer
  24. PsychoKing
  25. TheNoobKiller
  26. VengeanceHawk
  27. GunpowderGod
  28. NightReaper
  29. BulletBeast
  30. DeadlySniper
  31. FatalStrike
  32. StormChaser
  33. BloodThirsty
  34. SteelKiller
  35. GhostReaper
  36. SoulSnatcher
  37. Doombringer
  38. RageMachine
  39. TheSilentAssassin
  40. IceColdKiller
  41. ShadowFury
  42. MysticHunter
  43. MadShredder
  44. HunterX
  45. DeadlyHawk
  46. IronClad
  47. BloodyRage
  48. DrakonFury
  49. ThePredator
  50. UnstoppableFury

Best PUBG Names for Girls (Funny, Cool, Unique & Powerful)

Best PUBG Names for Girls
Best PUBG Names for Girls

Every girls also deserve cool, funny, and unique names to represent their skills and power in the game. Here are the most powerful PUBG names for girls that will set you apart and show the world that you’re ready to dominate.

  1. QueenOfTheBattle
  2. ViperLady
  3. LadySniper
  4. FemmeFatale
  5. BulletBabe
  6. DarkRose
  7. TheWarriorPrincess
  8. MissMadness
  9. VixenVamp
  10. LadyRogue
  11. PhantomPrincess
  12. BlazePrincess
  13. ShadowHuntress
  14. WickedSiren
  15. BlackWidow
  16. SirenOfTheNight
  17. RavenReaper
  18. StormVixen
  19. NightshadePrincess
  20. AngelOfDoom
  21. DragonLady
  22. WitchQueen
  23. TwilightGoddess
  24. KillerEmpress
  25. IceLady
  26. WildHuntress
  27. BlackPhoenix
  28. DeathsAngel
  29. DeadlyEmpress
  30. RoyalAssassin
  31. FireStormPrincess
  32. PoisonousBeauty
  33. DarkVixen
  34. NightFury
  35. BloodQueen
  36. SavageSiren
  37. MysticLady
  38. WildKnight
  39. CelestialVixen
  40. InvincibleLady
  41. LadyOfDestruction
  42. BattlePrincess
  43. FemmeGladiator
  44. SilentReaper
  45. IronVixen
  46. SavagePrincess
  47. ScorpionLady
  48. RoguePrincess
  49. DeadlyStorm
  50. SoulCatcher

Funny PUBG Names for Boys & Girls (Hilarious & Unique)

Funny PUBG Names for Boys Girls

Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Sometimes, choosing a funny or quirky name is the best way to add some humor and make your gameplay more memorable. At a glance, here are some hilarious PUBG names for both boys and girls:

  1. LaggingInStyle
  2. PotatoShooter
  3. ChickenChaser
  4. KingOfFails
  5. OopsIDidItAgain
  6. UnluckyShooter
  7. PanicButtonPro
  8. N00bWreckingMachine
  9. RunningInCircles
  10. GhostOfAFK
  11. InvisibleEnemy
  12. LaggingLemon
  13. CtrlAltDefeat
  14. ThrowingGrenadesLikeAPro
  15. AFKMaster
  16. AccidentallyPro
  17. ICan’tAim
  18. HeadshotHysterics
  19. DuctTapeWarfare
  20. BouncingBullets
  21. MissedThatShot
  22. ChickenDinnerPlease
  23. BackpedalKing
  24. LowHPKing
  25. BulletMagnet
  26. IAmYourNightmare
  27. IAmHereButNotHere
  28. BoomHeadshot!
  29. Don’tFollowMe
  30. WalkingDisaster
  31. BlastFromThePast
  32. IAmInnocent
  33. GrenadeAddict
  34. FailedMission
  35. JustAFunPlayer
  36. MyShoesAreQuicker
  37. CallMeAFK
  38. LaughingWhileShooting
  39. GunInOneHand
  40. SorryIHitYou

Unique PUBG Names (For the True Originals)

unique names for pubg

Want something that’s one-of-a-kind? Here are some unique PUBG names that will make you stand out from the crowd and showcase your individuality:

  1. PhantomSlayer
  2. SoulReaper
  3. VortexKiller
  4. LightChaser
  5. DarkVortex
  6. InfiniteWarrior
  7. BlackSun
  8. NightWitch
  9. CosmicReaper
  10. TimeBreaker
  11. DawnStriker
  12. ShadowHunterX
  13. NovaShifter
  14. BlazeWarrior
  15. SilentPredator
  16. EternalFlame
  17. GalacticAssassin
  18. MysticKnight
  19. DarkAssassinX
  20. SkyBreaker
  21. PhantomKnight
  22. EternalHunter
  23. SteelReaper
  24. StormRider
  25. OmegaVengeance
  26. NightSurge
  27. VoidWarrior
  28. CrimsonFury
  29. InfernoWarden
  30. MysticSavior
  31. DreamShifter
  32. AlphaReaper
  33. FlameMaster
  34. IronHunter
  35. ShadowVenom
  36. TitanX
  37. GalaxyHunter
  38. StormKillerX
  39. GhostKnight
  40. SilentTitan

PUBG Funny Names Hindi (For Local Fun)

PUBG Funny Names Hindi

If you want to give your PUBG name a local twist, Hindi funny names are a great option. These names add a humorous and relatable touch to your gameplay, especially for your friends and fellow players from India. Here are some of the best funny PUBG names in Hindi:

  1. भाड़ में जा (Go to hell)
  2. पैंट लव शिकार (Pants Hunter)
  3. बाबू मोशाय (Mister)
  4. घर के बिल्ली (House Cat)
  5. चांदनी चौक का शेर (Lion of Chandni Chowk)
  6. दिल्ली वाला दबंग (The Brave from Delhi)
  7. देसी जट्ट (Indian Jatt)
  8. लस्सी वाला बाबा (Lassi Vendor Baba)
  9. रात की रानी (Night’s Queen)
  10. कामचोर किलर (Lazy Killer)
  11. मस्त आदमी (The Cool Guy)
  12. छुपा रुस्तम (Hidden Beast)
  13. गली गैंगस्टर (Street Gangster)
  14. बाबा का बाप (Father of Baba)
  15. पचीस के बाद (After 25)
  16. लाठ मार (Stick Attacker)
  17. दोस्ताना किंग (King of Friendship)
  18. करी का प्यासा (Thirsty for Curry)
  19. शक्तिमान बेटा (Shaktimaan’s Son)
  20. सुंदर मुंडा (Handsome Guy)
  21. लस्सी की शक्ति (Power of Lassi)
  22. बाबा का मौसम (Baba’s Weather)
  23. थार्की बाबू (Perverted Guy)
  24. जय माता दी (Hail the Goddess)
  25. भला क्या हो गया (What Happened to Good?)
  26. पटाका पूजा (Firecracker Pooja)
  27. बाबा का जादू (Baba’s Magic)
  28. करी से किलर (Killer with Curry)
  29. जुगाड़ मास्टर (Master of Hacks)
  30. दिल से देसी (Truly Indian at Heart)
  31. BhaadMeJa
  32. PatloonKaShikari
  33. BabuMoshai
  34. GharKeBilli
  35. ChandniChowkKaSher
  36. DilliwalaDabangg
  37. DesiJatt
  38. LassiWalaBaba
  39. RaatKiRani
  40. KaamChorKiller
  41. MastAadmi
  42. ChhupaRustam
  43. GullyGangster
  44. BabaKaBaap
  45. PachisKeBaad
  46. LathMaar
  47. DostanaKing
  48. CurryKaPyaasa
  49. ShaktimaanBeta
  50. SundarMunda
  51. LassiKiShakti
  52. BabaKaMausam
  53. TharkiBabu
  54. JaiMataDi
  55. BhalaKyaHoGaya
  56. PatakaPooja
  57. BabaKaJadoo
  58. CurrySeKiller
  59. JugaadMaster
  60. DilSeDesi


PUBG is a popular battle simulation game with growing demand. It is a Korean game and ranks among the top-grossing games on the Play Store. Choosing a great PUBG name can make your gaming experience much more fun and personalized. Whether you’re looking for funny names, cool names, unique names, or even Hindi names, this list has something for everyone. So, take your pick, give your character a name that reflects your style, and go ahead and crush it on the battleground!

What’s your favorite PUBG name? Did you find something you like from the list? Let us know in the comments below!


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