How to debug and troubleshoot issues that arise during Cross Browser Testing?

Time Of Info By TOI Staff   July 11, 2023   Update on : July 11, 2023

Cross Browser Testing

With the high-speed evolution in digitization and technology, businesses struggle for getting the perfect out of it and make sure the web app runs steadily on all platforms and browsers. Most businesses are going online and with a quick evolution in innovation, businesses require a mechanism that makes it effortless for developers to create the perfect web applications with multi-browser compatibility potential. A lot of lines of code are noted for creating an application, and a bit of unnoticed error will go back to an invalid result. A bug in an application may also be because of an issue with the compiler and hardware. Bugs are not always scheduled in codes. If you are not correcting them on time then it will create a problem later on.

A recent quality report for 2020-2021 issued by Capgemini attributes the crash of the Covid-19 pandemic on the IT and QA strategy of the businesses, gripping them for becoming more nimble than before so that they can fulfill more with little while also modifying to their new tasking ways along with the team. With stubby budgets and resources, businesses have to deal with many Cross browser testing challenges. There are lots of cross-browser testing tools available that you can use for making your code error-free. It requests a robust methodology for testing the latest features and useful business processes to help reshape the methods for achieving success.

Bugs in Apps

Debugging is a procedure for fixing and finding errors. A developer who has a year of experience is vulnerable to making errors in the code. It is very necessary because a little problem in the code can generate issues with the user experience. And if this problem is the biggest one, it may demolish the reputation of the organization. But what is the worst thing that can occur? The organization may lose revenue because of bugs in the apps or systems, and these types of issues can turn out to be an expensive nightmare. Therefore it may be relevant for debugging these errors before delivering them for production.

Bitcoin, NASA, Pentium, knight capital group, and Heathrow airport terminal 5 have lost millions of revenue because of various bugs in their systems and apps. Even software behemoths like Google, Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook, have overlooked some issues which have caused an uproar. Unresolved bugs on websites can generate a bad user experience and push your app at the bottom of engagement and conversion rates.

Usual Cross Browser Issues

Just because various browsers and their versions are furnished. Diversely, there may be little cross-browser compatibility problems that may crop up. These types of problems hamper compatible user experience over various browsers and their versions. Cross-browser issues occur because of various reasons. It may be due to the given below reasons:

  • Compatibility of layout
  • HTML CSS Validation
  • Style sheet issues such as CSS reset
  • Browser may be outdated
  • DOCTYPE error
  • Undependable frameworks and browser libraries
  • Features that are particular to definite vendors only
  • Mobile app testing automation is not done in real devices

Errors that are given above can generate some twists in the CSS and HTML of the website when they are examined on different browsers. These are known as cross-browser errors. Sometimes, even the most experienced sections of code are built after much creativity agonizes over compatibility errors. Moreover, every browser has multiple furnishings. There is one little example of this consideration that Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox render in various ways. Chrome utilizes DirectWrite, which delivers the page with a show, whereas Firefox doesn’t use it, so it seems to straighten out.

Best ways to debug issues that arise during cross-browser testing

● Stress testing in production

Stress testing includes confirmation testing of the dependability and solidity of an app. You can collect the system information and examine the system interpreting the bottlenecks and then twitch and enhance to correct the script. Stress testing is coming across what can happen in the worst-case scenario or framework. Whereas managing codes, and verifying if the application is not overburdened and can grasp the traffic is relevant.

● Commenting out

A suitable way for debugging is ‘commenting out’. This includes transforming some practical codes into comments; they will not be carried out. Codes may be commented out in a disrupted section of a website. This method, the commented section of the coding will not be carried out. You can comment out the section in the code that generates the bug and then you can correct it. Each line can be located back into the code one at a time until the bug is identified.

● Black boxing

Black boxing code is a method of battering features or ways while debugging. These determined features/ways may be made error free by their developer. Black boxing features decrease the attempt in debugging the code.

● Using breakpoints

Web designs require altering to every platform. A reactive content and web design will adjust a definite method for rendering the perfect feasible user experience. It is determined to locate breakpoints in the best location over the website for upgrading debugging.

A developer/designer can explain breakpoints as pixel values. For developers, a usual breakpoint may be a media query, and for designers, the point at which the viewer’s sensitivity to the website’s content or design is changed.  

● Reporting and bug tracking

An efficient bug-tracking system will be helpful in finding the bugs, examining how they influence the implementation, and constructing reports. These reports include various signals for placing the bug, routing their actions, and how they influence performance. These types of reports are then put together in a PDF or CSV format and dispatched to the QA or the testing team.  


Problems regarding cross-browser compatibility can be a true hurdle in obtaining easy web app performance. By now we must be capable of answering questions such as what is cross-browser testing and its common issues. and many more. But along with it comes the challenges that make this work of developers and testers daunting. However, with these new techniques, the QA teams can identify and resolve bugs faster than ever before.

Read more: How to debug and troubleshoot issues that arise during Cross Browser Testing?


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