Cycling for Fitness: How to Get in Shape on Two Wheels

Time Of Info By TOI Staff   July 18, 2023   Update on : July 18, 2023

Cycling for Fitness

No matter how fit they are, everyone will benefit from a bike workout. If you’ve been on a bike only when you were a kid and rode around the block, you might not know where to start. You shouldn’t be scared even if you see pro riders on your ride. There are a lot of expensive riding tools (and options for bikes) on the market, but all you need is a bike, a helmet that fits, and a route to get a good workout.

#1 Planning And Prepare

If you want to get in shape quickly, you need to know everything about your body and weight. Being overweight is not the same as being out of shape or adding weight after playing sports regularly in the past.

You’ll have to stop doing some of your usual things, like watching TV, so you can spend more time riding. How you start and what you’re ready to give up to become one with your bike are important things to think about.

You may finally be able to get rid of all those bad habits you’ve been trying to get rid of for a long time now that riding gives you a good reason to. We’re talking about having a drink after work and watching a lot of Netflix on the weekends. Start by riding your bike instead of driving, walking, or taking public transportation to work or school. If that can help, that’s great.

Also, get some cycling clothing and apparel to improve your experience significantly. Start with small things such as gloves, shoes, pants, etc. As you improve, you can get better apparel.

Pick Out Your Goals

Set goals for both the short and long run. Each one should get you out of your comfort zone and give you the drive you need to achieve. We can’t be more detailed because everyone is different, but some ideas are: riding 50 km, then 100 km; joining a biking event; getting faster on a hill; and losing weight. No matter what it is, remembering why you ride can help you start when you don’t want to.

Sustainable = Long-Lived

If riding a bike is the only way you work out, you should do it at least twice or three times a week. The answer is not a single trip that is long enough to replace two or three trips. Even more so if the rest of the week you don’t work out and eat badly.   

The longer you work out, the better your health will be. This is especially true if you work out regularly. Every cyclist’s health goes up and down, so going often over a few weeks is the best way to keep your shape and weight the same.

Make Your Own Plan For The Week

Make a plan that you can follow and put into action. If your standards are too high, you might be disappointed when they aren’t met. Change your weekly and daily plans to give yourself time to rest and heal. Remember that everyone’s experiences with stress at work, home, and other places are different, so no one answer works for everyone. The plan should be as unique and customized as possible. The best rides are two to three hours long and have a good speed (90 rpm, which lets you talk while riding).

Cycling Workouts

Ride your bike for an hour or a half to strengthen and last longer. Here’s an example of an exercise where you start with a 10-minute warm-up and then gradually speed up or slow down (on an incline, a fake flat, or a flat surface). When you get there, ride hard for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. a row of ten times. Restart after a 10-minute break. If it’s harder the second time, do 20 seconds at full strength and 40 seconds of rest.

Alternately, after warming up for 10 minutes, do 4-5 rounds of 2-3 minutes each at a fast but steady pace that you can keep up. Rest for the same amount of time between each set. After that, take a 10-minute break. 

Training That Works

Cycling (or any other exercise) may not be as fun if you spend a lot of time and energy making a training plan, setting realistic goals, doing speed training, ensuring you have enough time to recover, and juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. When we stop laughing, we stop giving a damn and trying.

Go To Bed And Sleep Well

You must also attend school, work, and care for your family. You won’t feel like riding if you don’t get enough sleep. To heal from exercise, you need a good night’s sleep. How many hours do you usually need to sleep? How well you sleep will tell you the answer. Most people need at least eight hours, but you might only need six.


When it comes to keeping in shape and staying fit, cycling is a great way to do it. You can get yourself a cycle and begin your journey to fitness. It works your entire body and makes you feel better.

Read more: Cycling for Fitness: How to Get in Shape on Two Wheels


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