How to Catch a Cheating Spouse Texting
By TOI Staff
December 6, 2022
Update on : December 6, 2022
We know that you’re wondering about how to catch cheaters texting, and congratulation, you’ve come to the right place.
Every relationship needs loyalty to work. Love is simply not enough. When two souls meet each other, the one thing that combines both of them is loyalty.
If you feel like your spouse has been acting weird and suspicious, there’s nothing much better to do than find the answer. So, in this article, you’ll learn about how to catch and learn about cheating spouse text messages codes. Without further ado, let us introduce the first method.
Catch Cheaters Texting with Spy Apps
If you want to check the cheating text messages, one method that we highly recommend is by using a spy app that works as the best keylogger for iPhone and Android devices. These apps exist everywhere and are mostly used for kids monitoring by parents. However, using their functionalities, you can still use them to detect any suspicious movement from your spouse.
Among many spy apps, mSpy stands out as one of the best. It may offer you some of its notable features like:
- Seeing all the calls and messages sent and received
- You can also check who’s the receiver of the messages
- See the chats in texting or social media apps
- Contact checking, which will show you everyone that’s connected to your spouse
- Checking the gallery enables the ability to see all the videos and pictures stored within.
- And the app also has the feature to hide so that it won’t be easily noticed on the device’s home.
However, besides using the spy app to catch cheating text messages iPhone, you can also use another feature called SMS forwarding.
SMS Forwarding
This is probably the easiest and one of the oldest ways to catch a cheater text message is SMS forwarding. As the name implies, this feature will forward the message sent to the target phone to your number. So, if anyone sends a message to the target phone, you’ll be the first to see it.
SMS forwarding for Android and iOS works similarly. The difference is only the way to activate it. You can access the SMS forwarding feature on Android through the Google Voice app. You need to access it and go to the message settings. There you can have the option to forward any messages to a specific number you want.
On iOS, the way to do the spying on spouse text messages is to access the message setting. Remember that this only works for iOs-based devices only, so if you want to forward a message from Android to iPhone, we are afraid that it’s not possible.
And you need to know that this method also has some flaws, including:
- You need to have physical access to the target phone to activate this feature
- The user will know that the message is being forwarded to your number
- This method only works for incoming messages. So any outgoing ones won’t be noticeable.
What’s Next?
Now, if you successfully catch text message cheaters, then what’s the next step you need to take?
People often feel confused and sometimes guilty when found out that their spouse is cheating. Feeling afraid, angry, and frustrated is only natural. Surely, there’s an anger deep beneath you that you want to unleash. But now that doing all the bad things won’t change anything. As a matter of fact, it could make you feel much sadder and empty.
It’s also okay to feel saddened about it. Cheating isn’t a small case, and if you feel blue after you find something that big, it’s only natural that you feel sad and depressed for weeks or months.
However, please know that it’s not your fault. You’re worthy and deserve to be always happy.
It may take time to move on, but once you do, it will be one of your happiest and most relieving moments in life.
And that’s all we can say about the methods to find out about cheating spouses. If you are in doubt about your partner, what’s better to do is find out the truth. It might be hurt at some point, but knowing the true answer is always the best rather than keeping it hidden.