Kukkutasana Yoga: Benefits and Practice Guide

Time Of Info By TOI Staff   November 20, 2023   Update on : November 20, 2023

Kukkutasana Yoga

Kukkutasana, often called the Rooster Pose, is an intricate yoga pose resembling a rooster’s stance. This ancient asana finds its roots in yoga scriptures like the Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and the Gheranda Samhita. Achieving this posture demands significant arm strength. While practising yoga, incorporating essential supplements like Biotin Capsules can enhance overall wellness.

Preparation and Timing

Before attempting Kukkutasana, having an empty stomach is crucial, ensuring a gap of at least four to six hours after your last meal. This aids in digestion and provides the necessary energy for practice. Morning sessions are ideal, but evenings work well, too, if that’s not feasible.

Getting Into Kukkutasana

  1. Begin seated in Padmasana (Lotus Pose).
  2. Slide your arms through the gap between your thigh and calf muscles, with palms resting on the floor and fingers pointing forward.
  3. Push your palms firmly into the ground while inhaling, attempting to lift your entire body weight. Balancing on your palms takes practice.
  4. Maintain normal breathing while holding the pose for a comfortable duration.
  5. To release, exhale and gently lower yourself back to the ground.

Precautions and Tips

  • Kukkutasana is an advanced pose and should be avoided if you have heart or lung issues, an enlarged spleen, or gastric ulcers.
  • Beginners should practise under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor.
  • Focus on a distant point to maintain balance.
  • Keep your back erect and avoid slouching.
  • If slipping your arms between folded legs is challenging, apply oil to ease the movement.

Benefits of Kukkutasana

  1. Strengthens arms and shoulders.
  2. Expands the chest.
  3. Increases leg flexibility.
  4. Enhances balance, stability, and concentration.
  5. Activates the Muladhara Chakra.
  6. Stimulates the digestive system.
  7. Relieves menstrual discomfort and hip pain.

The Mind-Body Connection

Beyond the physical demands, mastering Kukkutasana requires mental discipline and a strong connection between body and mind. It encourages focus on life energy, breath control, and inward meditation, illustrating how physical practice can aid in achieving mental clarity and mindfulness.

Preparatory and Follow-Up Poses

Before attempting Kukkutasana, it’s essential to prepare your body and mind. Practice Surya Namaskars, Ujjayi Pranayama, Mula Bandha, and Uddiyana Bandha to enhance flexibility and concentration.

After your Kukkutasana session, consider incorporating follow-up poses like Gupta Padmasana, Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana, Sirsasana II, and Urdhva Kukkutasana (With the head on the floor). To support your overall well-being and joint health, consider incorporating Collagen powder into your daily routine as a valuable supplement.


Kukkutasana presents a transformative journey demanding years of dedicated practice, robust physicality, and unwavering mental composure. Beyond its physical benefits, such as strength and flexibility, this pose harmonises with holistic wellness. Incorporating natural supplements like Ashwagandha powder can further enhance practitioners’ overall well-being, promoting physical prowess and inner calm, strength, and happiness along their path to mastery.


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