Voscrow: What Is It, And Is It Legit?
By TOI Staff
March 5, 2023
Update on : January 31, 2025
Cryptocurrencies have gradually become a popular currency system nowadays. They had come a long way from when Bitcoin was first created in 2009. At that time, it was one of a kind; now, there are thousands like it. At the start, one Bitcoin was worth less than a cent or 0.00009 USD; now, in 2023, it is worth more than 18800 USD. Those who bought these coins in 2009 have earned millions, tens of millions or even more.
It is because of the success of Bitcoin that others are trying to copy it to get a share of the pie. Every year, many different cryptocurrencies are created and launched in hopes of recreating the same success, but few succeed. Many people invest in these emerging currencies in hopes of getting rich by earning thousands of times their initial investments.
In this article, we will discuss Voscrow, a cryptocurrency trading platform that claims to double your investment in a year.
What is Voscrow?
Voscrow is a cryptocurrency investment platform; its main selling point is quick returns on your investment. The main theme here is that you deposit your money in US dollars on this platform as an investment and get some profit after a fixed interval in the form of cryptocurrency. You can’t just deposit any amount of money you like; it has to be a specific amount according to the plan you choose.
Voscrow’s investment plans are as follows:
In the basic plan, you must deposit 100$ in your Voscrow account and get 4% of the deposit which is 4$ in this case as profit.
In the Ultra plan, the deposit is 500$, and the weekly profit is 4.25% which is 21.25$ in this case.
In the premium plan, the deposit amount is 1000$, and the weekly profit is 4.5% or 45$ in this case.
In the professional plan, you deposit 5000$ in your Voscrow account and gain 5% or 250$ every week as profit.
In the master plan, the deposit amount is 10000$, and the weekly profit is 5.5% of the deposit which is 550$.
Voscrow Income
Voscrow gives you two ways to make money: investments and referrals.
1. Investment
This is a straightforward method in which you choose an investment plan, deposit the corresponding amount, and enjoy the profit in cryptocurrency. In this method, you get a set amount of profit according to your chosen plan every week. This profit after a 5% deduction (fee) is divided into two parts, 60%, and 40%; you can transfer the 60% part to your crypto wallet every week. The 40% part is sent to a different wallet and stored there for one month, and half of it is transferred to you on the 15th of every month.
Note: After you create your Voscrow account and deposit, you must go through a 21-day lock period. During this lock-in period, you won’t get any profit on your investment; you will start getting the normal profit after this period.
2. Referral
Voscrow encourages you to introduce more people to invest in their plans; the higher the plan, the better. For this reason, they allow you to earn 10% profit from the person you introduced to the platform. This encourages you to pull in your acquaintances and encourage them to buy the highest possible plan because this way, you get a higher cut.
If you bring more than one person to the platform, you can only get referral income from the one with the lowest investment. But don’t worry; it doesn’t end here. You can also earn profit from people referred by your referred person. It can become a pyramid structure in which you can earn money from all the layers below you and give some benefits to the layers above. The higher above in the pyramid you are, the more you earn.
How long can I get profit from my investment at Voscrow?
You might think that if you don’t withdraw your money, you will keep getting a steady stream of profit every week, but that is not the case. One Voscrow account only lasts for one year, and you can’t withdraw the money you invested ever; the only way to get your money is in the form of weekly profits. But at the end of the year, the total money you get every week added together is at least double your initial investment.
After a year, your investment plan will end, and your account will shut down; if you want to continue investing, you will have to create a new account and invest according to one of the available plans.
Is Voscrow legit?
We can’t give an accurate answer about whether Voscrow is a legit website, but according to what we see, it’s suspicious. It has two qualities that we have a problem with, and they are as follows.
1. Crypto Currency
As we mentioned before, Voscrow takes money in dollars, doubles it and gives it back to you in cryptocurrency. If the cryptocurrency it uses is well-known and relatively stable, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc., then we have no problem with that. But that is not the case; the currency it uses is a new emerging currency that, according to their claim, uses better technology than other cryptocurrencies and will surely rise in value in the near future.
As we all know, almost every crypto scam that has happened so far has claimed almost the same thing. They create hype through various methods, lure people into investing and buying their coins, and then disappear when they think they have scammed enough money. When people realize that all of this is a scam, it is too late, and the coins in their hands are worthless.
Voscrow is also using the promise of doubling their money to indirectly lure people into buying their coins. You get all the profits in the crypto that they see fit, after all.
2. MLM
As we mentioned before, Voscrow encourages everyone who invests with them to bring more people and encourages them to invest as much money as possible. It also encourages the people you brought to bring more people, and so on and so forth. This entire structure makes a pyramid in which the people who came first are at the top, and newcomers are at the bottom. The higher layers benefit more, while the lowest layers get little to none.
This structure is almost the same as MLM or Multi-layered Marketing schemes; these schemes are unsustainable, and most of them are illegal. Criminals usually use them to scam money on a large scale and then disappear when the scheme becomes unsustainable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the owner of Voscrow?
We don’t know because they have chosen be remain anonymous; there is no mention of their identity on the Voscrow website and Whois platform.
How to access Voscrow?
You can access it at Voscrow.com.
How old is Voscrow.com?
Voscrow.com is currently a little more than two years old.